Tuesday 8 May 2012

Freeze frame ...." Sometimes rain that's needed falls...."

Aloha !

" Sometimes rain that's needed falls " ...... from the song " Painting By Chagall "  written and sung by The Weepies. Marc Chagall . Love his paintings . Love his colours. ....words from the song : " Thunder rumbles, from a distance, a quiet intensity .  "   "   We make hope from every small disaster. "  The Weepies wrote a great song about Chagall.  This song puts me in a dreamlike state .

Yes, " we make hope from every small disaster " . I have been doing this all my Life. For 33 years, almost everyday was a small disaster. If it wasn't a small disaster, it was building up to a bigger disaster. It helped me build character. It made me who I am today. For better or for worse.

Aug 2011 was a momentous month for me . Many changes . It was fitful that on the flight back from Beijing to Vancouver,I heard the song " Same Changes "  sung by the Weepies. I discovered the Weepies that day. I love them.   I was watching the in flight movie, Morning Glory and this song came on. Morning Glory was a very  good  movie and also funny.

 " Well I ask, does anything ever stay the same ? No, no, no....Just same , changes "   Yes, same , changes. Think about that. There really is no such thing as same, same .  The time is different , we are all older .

" Everyday I want to freeze frame. "  I freeze frame non stop. I take a picture of everything with my eyes, my mind, my heart and spirit .

Welcome to my world of freeze framing. I share with you some of my pics from Beijing , Aug , 2011 . On Aug 8th , 2011 , I was in Chengde, China and I was interviewed by a local T.V. station for a T.V. segment to be broadcasted later in the evening. They found out that a group of foreign tourists were coming and visiting the Little Potala Palace. Well,  I was one of them and they chose me to interview exclusively ! :)  This temple was modeled after the Potala Palace in Tibet. I have always wanted to go to Tibet and well, at least , I experienced a bit of it being at the little Potala Palace. Every time I type Potala , I want to type potato , meaning no disrespect whatsoever. There were very few tourists on that day . It was scorching hot . There was tremendous peace while I was there as I wandered around the temple by myself . Aug 8th, 2011 also marked the last day that I was employed by the Bank. I was a Bank retiree !!!!!!!  One of the best days of my Life !

Some of the pics were taken on the Great Wall , some viewed through the archway of the watchtowers . You will see what I mean when you see an arc in one of my pics. Some of my pics were taken from inside a tour bus. Its not easy taking pics when the bus is going full speed down a highway !  It has always been a dream to be a photographer for National Geographic. One day, it will happen . I don't like how the cameras nowadays are so complicated . I did just fine for many years with my  SLR Yashica FX2 . Unfortunately , the camera didn't fare too well on a horseback trip out into the bush for 5 days. It was strapped to me and took a lot of pounding as I rode on horseback. It would not have fared any better inside the tiny saddlebags. My old manual Yashica FX2 was like an appendage to me. It was an extension of part of me.

So, pics of Beijing , Chengde  and towards the end, a few pics that I took at Granville Island a few months ago . The  pics of a bicycle bell , a  bicycle handle that I was very pleased in how they turned out. And then , there is the pic of heart lights which is really cool. This pic was taken focused on a stain glass ceiling light at Rogers Chocolates in G.I.  and then moving my camera around creating the hearts . Its an intuition thing and hard to predict how it will turn out. With practice, of course it gets better.  If the intent is there, it will happen. My first time doing this photography method and I am pleased with how it turned out.  No photographs have been retouched, manipulated , photo shopped , cropped , etc. What you see is exactly what I saw , and how I freeze framed and captured the moment.

Here's the link to the pics.


Enjoy ! We truly do live in a beautiful world........Five days and counting !!!!!!!!  x0x0x0x0

Namaste....Aloha......Carpe Diem !

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