Friday 15 June 2012

Being Raised By Wild Mastodons

Aloha !

Today was another beautiful sunny day . I had a funny conversation during lunch today .

Victoria was telling us that her Dad used to tell her that she was raised by wild mastodons.  Whatever possessed a parent to say things like that ?  Crazy sense of humour , if at that.   She never really found out what a mastadon was but she remembered the word . Juanita said excitedly , " Oh, I know, I know ! That's a giant dog . "  " No, Juanita, you're thinking about a mastiff. Now , that's a giant dog ! A mastodon is like a mammoth , its extinct . "  I said.

" No, you're wrong, its a giant dog. "

' Ain't no dog, Missy , its an extinct mammoth like creature , like a ginormous elephant with long tusks ." I stood my ground.  " You really are thinking about a mastiff. "

" I think its a dinosaur ," said Ashley .  " I know, I know, we will ask Will . Will would know."

Will walks by . " Hey, Will, what's a mastodon ? "

" Oh, I know this as I use to work in a museum !  It like a saber tooth tiger, but with long fur . Kinda like a bull . " Will says .

" See, I knew Will would know !" Ashley said as Will walked away .

" Ah , were you paying attention?  First he said like a saber tooth tiger , then a bull. Tiger or bull ?  Those are two completely different animals. Capice ?  "  I smiled . I started laughing as this was getting ridiculous . They were all clueless .

" No, its a giant dog. " Juanita insisted.

" Alright. I will Google it on my break and give you the definition and describe a mastodon in full detail for
you  . Its not going to be a giant dog, nor a dinosaur or a saber tooth like tiger or a bull , I can tell you for sure."

And so, I did just that. I knew I was right. I know my animals. If I didn't know, I would say that I didn't know. I would not make something up.

So, here's the link to tell you about mastodons .

Strange, huh ?  I am writing a blog about Hawaii and I am talking about mastodons.

To all you parents out there with young children , please do not tell them that they were raised by wild mastodons unless you know what a mastodon is. ! :)  And for those of you that think there were ' domesticated ' mastodons , I hate to break it to you but there 's no such thing . All mastodons are wild. But I guess to a child , to add the word ' wild ' to something that already is  makes it that much more exotic and exciting. I still shake my head in response to Victoria's Dad telling her that she was raised by wild mastodons when she was very young.........

With much aloha ,

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