Saturday 24 March 2012


ALOHA !  x0x0x0x0
Wow ! My first blog.  Friends have always said that I should be a writer . Well, for a while, I will have time to write , at least until same time next year, when my Life will change again. For now, I am relishing each and every second, each and every moment  that I can. Not many of us have the same opportunity as I have now.  I set this blog up primarily for Kalani , as so many people have asked me to do. Funny, one of my best friends, Julie, was laughing the other day as I still do not have a cell phone. " You're off the grid, Molly !  " Yes, I'm off the grid. Under the radar .

I have wanted to call my blog ' A Thousand Wishes '  but it was taken already. ' A Thousand Wishes '  is the title I gave to one of my first paintings.  It is probably one of the most detailed paintings I have ever done and it is of a dandelion , in great detail , with a few of its wispy soft delicate white fluff floating into the sky . I know there were more than 1000 very fine brush strokes in painting the dandelion . As a child, I would blow on the dandelion and make a wish , watching the wisps floating upwards, carrying each of my wishes to the Heavens above....a Thousand Wishes.....Well, I'm full of wanderlust so that is also befitting as my blogger name. I must have gypsy blood from long ago , mixed into my Chinese ancestry . From London to Istanbul and back ( 13 countries , 60 cities/towns ) , from hitchhaiku ( yes, hitchhiking and backpacking ) in Japan ( from Hokkaido to Beppu )  , to returning back to my birth place, Hong Kong , road trip from Vancouver to New Orleans and back ,  camping horsepack trips out into the bush ( Marble Mountains , B.C.)  , recently went to Beijing and hiking the Great Wall of China (on  one of my must do in Life things ) , hiking Cinque Terre in Italy and many others and many many more to come . I have been so very very blessed to meet amazing people on my many travels.  And now, I will be returning to Hawaii for the third time......The last two times I have gone to Hawaii, there was a great emptiness within me and the heart and spirit was broken, , and each time , Hawaii renews my faith in Humanity . I have always been treated with much aloha when I am in Hawaii. I am at a simular stage now, somewhat at the crossroads of my Life ,the second half of my Life, so as to speak. Hawaii is HOME for me. Hawaii calls to me .  Nowhere else in this World, besides Vancouver and Lauterbrunnen  ( Switzerland ) has anywhere else give me a feeling of being rooted , safe, secured , belonging...... I am incredibly blessed to have this opportunity to be at Kalani , to prepare beautiful meals with much aloha ,  to hula every day, to practice yoga everyday , to paint every day , to be able to dream and connect with nature in a most powerful way...... I know deeply within that Kalani is part of my Life Calling , my Life Purpose. I know I will meet a lot of amazing people at Kalani , each on on own Journey and Path of Life Discovery , Learning , Sharing, Giving and Renewal . . ..I know I will learn a lot from them and I too have much to share and give.  One by one, the wishes within my heart will be fulfilled ........Wonders are truly waiting to start !

Wow !  Only 52 more days and I will be in Kalani ! " Happy , Happy Joy, Joy ! "  as my son Daniel used to say when he was very young , when he was excited and so very happy about something. Sweet Darlin' . Danny Boy, you are the greatest Joy of my Life !  Yes, Happy Happy Joy Joy !  I can hear your sweet toddler voice singing this , your voice deepening as you entered into your teens. You would say this to Matthew, our beautiful sweet sheltie , and get him all excited , running circles and figure eights all around us like a crazy wild  banshee , herding us as if to contain all the Happy Happy Joy Joy within his controlled air space . Matthew could run like the wind and jump like a pogo stick. 

 Much to do still and getting my head around my final course at Emily Carr University for the Spring. A lot of painting homework and I am glad that I am not working .The last class ends on  April  10th and it has been interesting, to say the least. I am finishing course number six, out of 10 mandatory required courses , and then I will have to choose 124 hours of elective courses for my Advanced Studies Certificate in Painting . If I wasn't going to Kalani, I would have finished all 10 mandatory courses by the end of summer.  Bradley, a 23 year old young man, was sitting beside me on the first class of Painting Fundamentals , Composition and Design . He only showed up for the first class and never came back. He doesn't believe in ' organized '  education and that made me smile when he said that as I once said many years ago that I didn't believe in 'organized ' religion.....I know where he is coming from, and a part of me is in agreeance with him . That was too bad that he never came back.  Nice young man , a professed punk rocker , tattoos everywhere , even all around his fingers . He had a beautiful long earring made out of some natural stone hanging from his left ear . I had hoped that he would come back as I wanted to ask him what the tattoos on all his fingers meant/ say. Was it a sentence, what language ( sanskrit would have been cool if it was that ) , a proverb, an antisocialdisestablishmentarianism blurb ?? He told the class the best way to find free paint ,cardboard and surfaces to paint on was to dumpster dive at 1000 Parker. Yes, I can see them being wasteful there. That raised a lot of eyebrows when he said that . All I was thinking was that he is a great kid and I get good vibes from him.  Somehow, we got talking about natural bristles versus manmade bristles ( pertaining to paintbrushes ) and he told me that he has an amazing natural bristle shaving brush that is so very soft on the skin . I laughed and said, " Yes, that must be to nice to have. You would need that ! "  He laughed and said, "  Yes, I should use it, huh ? " as he ran his hand along the scruffy thick beard on his chin. He had beautiful thick chestnut brown hair that looked like it hasn't been washed in several months.  Bradley, whereever you are, I hope you find you way and get back into your Art. Life happens and I hope that it will not derail you , as it did me , to exploring and fulfilling one of the passions in your Life. It is never too late, however, to start !

Carpe Diem !
Aloha !

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